Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Nelson Conference, Branch Conference and Zone Conference - 10/24/16

Anziano Ridd, friend "Fb," and Anziano Youngblood
Anziani Ridd & Youngblood
MTC District at the Mission Conference in Rome
Hey family! 

This week was pretty sweet...to say the least.

So on Wednesday we caught a train to Rome and stayed the night in a nunnery. It was super sick because we got to see all the missionaries (including my trainer, my ex-comps and my district.) Then the next morning we had mission conference. We got to hear from President Kearon (the area president), Elder Hallstrom, and President Nelson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. There were many great messages. I will talk a bit about a few. 

The first was President Kearon. He talked about being anxiously engaged without being anxious. Then he referenced the story of Nehemiah in the Bible; how he was engaged in a good cause and did not come down. Read it, and you will see what I mean. 

Then we had Elder Hallstrom speak. He talked about the cost-to-benefit ratio of the conference. It cost a lot to get us there, but if we take away a lot from the conference, the benefit is worth it. Then he talked about how the mission takes young men and women at a time in our lives - ages 18-21, when we are at the most selfish - and has us turn out and be completely unselfish. 

Then the big hitter came up, President Nelson. He talked with us about the Abrahamic covenant and the 12 tribes of Israel. It was probably one of the most interesting things ever. He taught about how the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were called to prepare the world for the second coming of the Savior. Then he asked all of us who are a part of those tribes to stand. And all of us stood. He then explained that it was because we were all called before this life and saved for this time to prepare the way for Christ to come again. It was super amazing. And then we shook his hand. 

That weekend we had branch conference, which was super cool. The stake president came and gave a cool talk. He said he hopes to never have a branch conference again, because he wants this to be a ward here. 

On Monday we had zone conference. We talked about the last conference with President Kearon. We all want to try hard to be what President Kearon described to us, walls of light. So we are trying to really BE the message. I really like that, because it just means I'll be focusing on spreading happiness and joy. That's what I came here to do.

So as for investigators, we kinda lost C again...so we are finding him. Then my great friend from Paraguay, “Fb,” is being baptized this Saturday by the other Anziani. So pumped for him. PS... it’s IN THE SEA! 

Anyways I love you all! Have a great week! 

Anziano Ridd
3 Generations - Anziano Jensen, Anziano Ridd & Anziano Youngblood
Photo Credit: pickerdsitalyromemission.blogspot
Napoli Zone Conference with President & Sister Pickerd
PC: pickerdsitalyromemission.blogspot
Thanks so much! 

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